Key Design Elements: A-side DRUPS system, refurbishment, Provision A and B power and diesel supply streams, 4 substation 11 kV ring feed.
Equipment Installed:
- 4 x 1700kVA DRUPS Units
- 4 x 1600kVA 11000/400V Dry-Type
- Transformers; 2 x 1250kVA 11000/400V Dry-Type
- Transformers; 20 x 11kV Vacuum Circuit Breakers
A leading printing company sought a seamless back-up power generation solution which would minimize down time within the production plant. Several seamless power generation solutions were evaluated based on a number of factors including total lifecycle cost, future extendibility, redundancy, diesel tank storage size, maintenance and efficiency. The solution recommended comprises of a Dynamic Rotary UPS (DRUPS) system solution which meets the Clients 100% seamless power supply requirement to the entire facility. In addition, the ageing equipment i.e. medium voltage switchgear and transformers in the internal MV distribution network are being replaced with new vacuum circuit breakers and dry-type transformers. Coupled with multiple (A and B) fuel tanks, fuel filtration and dual fuel pumps, these solutions provide a resilient system which would offer back-up power generation under emergency situations. The project also caters for provision and integration of new CCTV, access control, smoke detection and BMS systems in the new energy centre into the facility’s current systems.