Multichoice City

Multichoice City

Key Design Elements: 5 Star Green Star Office, N+1 generator and UPS, B supply for critical equipment, electronic services, lighting, power

Multichoice, South Africa’s premium broadcast provider, has undertaken to establish its primary headquarters in Randburg, Johannesburg. The new facility boasts a “state of the art” energy centre and has received a Green Building Council 5 Star Design Certification. OneZero Consulting was tasked to provide the electrical and electronic solution for this facility and chose technology ahead of its time. This will ensure a lifecycle longevity rarely seen in any corporate infrastructure currently established.

The building comprises of four basement levels and four office levels. The basement level is linked with a subterranean vehicle tunnel and the office pedestrian circulation is linked with a pedestrian bridge to the adjacent DSTV campus.
Sustainable building features include:

  • High frequency ballasts and energy saving lamps.
  • A centralised HVAC plant providing both heating and cooling for the building.
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Water Efficiency
  • Indoor Environmental Quality
  • Materials
  • Land use and Ecology
Building Services
36 051m² total gross floor area
Project cost
R900 million & R100 million [Electrical services]